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Dog and human in (public) space

Dog and human in (public) space

Depending on the environment in which one moves, stand the human-animal tandem
now various interaction options open; in modern urban everyday life
For example, Mr. and Dog sit in a different, complementary way
"Civilian", d. H. not per se as hostile subordinate, social environment. the
Dog often plays a role as a social interface: it initiates, controls, filters
and organizes the relationships of the owner to most, maybe to all
Companions.8 What enables him to do so are less of his physical abilities (which are especially important for the "instrumental" uses) than
his general "character", his "attitude" and "attitude", his "attitude",
perhaps simply the specific "dog", beyond all individual or dog breeds-specific peculiarities. To outline it for now, one would
to speak of a hybrid intermediate form of existence in always restrained freedom
can, from all sides limited openness, diverse relativized autonomy and
often very eloquent dumbness: a free-living creature - always on a leash.
In exemplary clarity, that of the Frankfurt sociologist Karl Otto
Hondrich featured in his 1997 essays on his dog Charly.
Walking with Charly implies the implicit inclusion of relationships
to passers-by:
Charly puts me in touch with people, without them knowing, he ties in between
For people and for me a relationship without him knowing, he ties people and people together
me a relationship (Hondrich 2004: 136).

7 See, for example, the phrase "This one-to-one relationship makes every hike
to an intimate adventure of mindfulness "(Kerasote 2011: 111).
The dog, of course, also has the ability to establish contact with transcendents
Attributed to beings (see Schneider 2007: 155) ("Gods weathering").

The dog between man and man:mediator,thirdparty, cyn

The dog is reason, founder and founder of social contexts: Charly
"Brings relationships among the people", if only because he is in one
Initially, an indistinct crowd of mere "people" introduces differences: he "brings
[...] differences between them [humans] "(Hondrich 2004: 137).
The dog owes this to its relative autonomy as a self-directed, self-willed being; His dog does not seem to be on a leash in Hondrich's place
with him, but "streaming [...] under other tables and on other legs
around "(Hondrich 2004: 136) and thus installs negative or positive relationships with a person who is not directly involved, but also not absent
Lord: "by caressing him, they stroke me" (Hondrich 2004: 137). Not
that here is the master (unlike the above
mentioned flirt contact seekers)
1 muss.

The dog also extends the perceptual horizon of his in a temporal sense
bipedal partner, because he usually lags faster than this in the future: he
It ages faster, it approaches its foreseeable, short - term death - and thereby realizes a remarkable asynchronicity in the midst of parallelism
simultaneous human-dog life.


Joachim Landkammer

As our children get older and younger in relationship to us,
our animals get older in relation to us getting older, more and more often
I have to wait for Charly especially on the slope, he has to sniff more and more,
it seems like an excuse to rest. You were younger than me
I say to him, now you are older than me, but nothing has changed between us
(Hondrich 2004: 147f.).

The final Nachsatz should obviously not only assure that by
the wait on the hillside caused Hondrich's affection for longer
could not belittle his dog, but also that the relationship of age
independent, quasi-timeless remains, precisely because human and dog biographies
not parallelizable, not even proportional to one another. There
the Lord does not share the aging process of the dog and does not own it
Body can understand, between them paradoxically less
as between parents and children, who age together, so no relative
Experience change in the age difference, but just by that absolute
Get to know that "everything changes" .14
This does not mean that the dog-viewer would not even notice human temporality; The very similar finding of the non-simultaneity of the tempi of life leads Silvia Bovenschen to the insight into the
general mortality of all living things, an insight, in the dogs however
only as (ultimately substitutable) illustration objects, not more than
Life Partner in a Temporary Existence Dyad.
Perhaps I care about the fragility and finiteness of all beings in this world
the first time became obvious. [...] At least I could - as it were
timewise - to see, to experience, to grasp: that they, my friends, the dogs, very much
got older faster than me. That they live much shorter than humans. That they are in
go through different age stages in this short life, so that their life in the
Whole only covers a period of time, which for our own lives usually only
a short period. - The asynchronicity of our respective aging processes, I had perceived them painfully, quite sure (Bovenschen 2011: 87f.).

The dog also explores the time zone of aging for humans. The
Dog is also faster in his way to the future, one step ahead.
Even if it sounds cynical (or cynical): the "precursors to death" (Heidegger
1993: 305) always make the dogs for us. The only gravestone saying,
14 Cf. Elias Canetti: "It is not possible to be older than others without more and
to become more of a survivor; unless you're getting older,
only by bringing others into this same age. Wonderful concept "(Elias
Canetti: The secret heart of the clock. Records 1973-1985, cit. n. Macho 2007: 9).

The dog between man and man: mediator, third party, cynic


the Egon Erwin Kisch in 1928 during his visit to the noble dog cemetery
in Hartsdale, New York (then Canine Cemetery, today Hartsdale Pet Cemetery
& Crematory) - "because there is a thought in it" - read: "Jack as ever
Preceeds his master a few steps "(Abramowitz 2001: 53).
The dog-death indeed becomes in some literary works to
Pre-Picture and Menetekel for human finiteness. One may perhaps remember
to the novel Disgrace of the South African Nobel laureate in literature J. M.
Coetzee (1999). In "shame" or "disgrace" have fallen in this in the post
apartheid-era gambling history not just the literary professor David Lurie
(because of sexual harassment) and his (raped) daughter, but also the
found stray dogs whose lulling and disposal Lurie
at the end of the novel to the task makes. The clinical killing action will take place in
English original text associated with the German word "solution", and so are the religious as well as the ideological connotations "redemption" and
Conjured "Final Solution" .15 And as salvation, as (last) love deeds
for "all those whose term is come", these are euthanasia measures
(sessions of solution), especially when in the very last scene around
a crippled little dog named Driepoot goes, the Lurie (and the Lurie)
he would have liked to have had one more week, if he wanted to
postpone. But he already gets him - as the last candidate
this "Sunday of death" - from the Zw


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