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Legends Dog Training -

Dog training
Dogs as correlates of experience
Do black dog breeds of good use
How differently man can shape this quality of a dog's life,
can be seen, if one Auguste Comtes categorization of animals (the
me with Claude Lévi-Strauss 2014: 203ff. found) applies to the dog:
Comte divides the animals into, firstly, those who live together with humans,
who accompany him and who help him. This idea most closely matches ours
Culture groomed dog myth. That Comte recommends that the herbivorous
Turning animals into carnivores to raise their intellectual level,
However, it is probably no longer quite in the trend of the current vegetarian euphoria, which has long since before the transformation into a vegetable-fed
Dog does not stop. Comtes second category includes the animals that the
Man protects and breeds to feed on them. According to Comte
these animals have been altered by humans so that they are "food laboratories". The dog that we have had one for centuries (more or less
strange) give proper names (see Wanner 1951), to eat (see Ramminger
in this volume) is almost as taboo in our culture as sex
to have with him (see "Domian" 3). More common than dog eaters are
People who classify the dog in Comte's third category: those of the animals that
are dangerous to humans (in any way). Dog owners meet yes
every time you take a walk on people who are afraid of the dog.
Unfortunately, to Comte's proposal to kill such animals, only the 'instructions'
on the Internet site "", various debates in Internet forums as well
some Elaborate in the style of satirical verdicts in the online magazine "Kot and
Mutt "known. On the other hand I do not know any empirical study in which examined
What dog-phobic people think of this proposal would be if
it is about actually putting it into practice.
In any case, the dog usually seems far more dependent on humans
to be as the man of the dog - even if more recently of one
"Coevolution" of humans and dogs is the speech (see eg Kotrschal 2014).
Accordingly, the dog hangs on the one on which he depends. And consequently
we meet him constantly. That is, the dog is a familiar element
of our world-wide life - not only if we keep one, but at least
even if we move dogless in public spaces. What the first
theoretical-methodological and what secondly means methodical-empirical,
I will try to outline below.

3 (accessed: 02.03.2016).

Ronald Hitzler

What makes the dog a dog?

In his book of memoirs "Never Seen Worlds" Jakob von Uexküll describes
(1957: 36) anecdotally performed by his friend Alexander Graf Keyserling, at
for the amusement of a ladies' society, by name
identifiable dog individuals and also their racial affiliations as commonplace
Explained declared, but not the genus "dog": "A dog is at all
not a living being, but only a human classification rule. And are
Did you ever meet on your walks of a rule or a paragraph? "
M. E. Keyserling was right and wrong at the same time: Illustrated,
The correlate of my experience, of course, is never to me a dog, but always
a concrete something with concrete properties in a concrete situation
Context: identified by me as this specific something qua behavior,
Appearance, smell, noise emission, relative positioning etc. - possibly
just because of my knowledge of his life circumstances and life history. Nevertheless, I at least see in this concrete given something
also a dog, usually first and for the time being even only one
Dog or something of which I - because of typical, so to speak mine
Supply of knowledge according to phenomenally given characteristics - first of all
I suppose it's a dog.
Not zoological, but epistemologically raises the question
what makes a dog actually a dog, so what the essential - or
structural - qualities are, because of that, something - in contrast to everything
other perceptible and imaginable - is considered "dog". Because
in Husserl's terminology [...] learns what happens in the actual perception
of an object, an apperceptive transfer to any similar object perceived only as a type. My expectation of this
Typical conformity to other items will be in actual experience
confirmed or not (Schütz 2010: 337).

But: "Which type structure I choose becomes of the thematic relevance
certainly, that this object has for me "(Schütz 2003: 336). D. h. z. B.,
I can feed my dog ​​Fido in his


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