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Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat

Arthropod borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat
 H. americanum cyst. The round-to-oval ‘onion skin’-shaped
cysts are 250–500 µm in diameter. The outer portion of the
cyst is made up of concentric layers of fine, pale blue-staining
laminar membranes. A developing parasite may sometimes be
observed at the centre of the cyst.
80 H. canis gamonts on the edge of a blood smear from a
naturally infected dog with extreme leucocytosis and a high
parasitaemia approaching 100% of the neutrophils.

 Miniature Schnauzer naturally infected with H. americanum
exhibiting ‘His Master’s Voice’ stance due to severe
musculoskeletal pain and excessive stiffness.

 Rottweiler naturally infected with
H. americanum, with typical mucopurulent
ocular discharge and facial muscle atrophy.

Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat
Laboratory findings
Most dogs with HCI have white blood cell counts within
the reference range. However, dogs with a high
parasitaemia frequently have extreme neutrophilia (up to
150 × 109/l), although it is less common than in dogs with
HAI. Normocytic, normochromic non-regenerative
anaemia is the most common haematological abnormality
reported in HCI. Less frequently, a regenerative anaemia,
sometimes severe, may be seen. In a case-controlled study
of dogs with H. canis parasitaemia admitted to a
veterinary teaching hospital in Israel, dogs with
hepatozoonosis were significantly more anaemic than the
control hospital population admitted with other diseases,
and dogs with high parasitaemia were more anaemic and
had higher leucocyte counts than both the controls and
the dogs with low parasitaemia. Thrombocytopenia and
proteinuria have also been reported in HCI.
In dogs with HAI, the most outstanding
haematological abnormality is marked leucocytosis,
characterized by neutrophilia. The white blood cell count
typically ranges from 20–200 × 109/l, with reported
means of 76.8 and 85.7 × 109/l. A mild to moderate
normocytic, normochromic, non-regenerative anaemia is
typical. Thrombocytosis, with platelet counts of 422–916
× 109/l, occurs in a considerable number of dogs.
Thrombocytopenia is rare unless there is concurrent
infection with Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma platys,
Rickettsia rickettsii or other tick-borne organisms.
Abnormalities in serum biochemistry in highly
parasitaemic dogs with HCI include hyperproteinaemia
with hyperglobulinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia, and
increased creatine kinase (CK) and alkaline phosphatase
(AP) activities. In dogs with HAI the most common
biochemical changes are a mild elevation in AP and
decreased albumin. Artefactual hypoglycaemia (in the
range of 2.22–3.33 mmol/l and occasionally as low as
0.28 mmol/l) due to increased in vitro metabolism by the
elevated number of white blood cells may be seen if
sodium fluoride is not used for sample collection. The low
albumin has been attributed to decreased protein intake,
chronic inflammation or renal loss. Blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) is also frequently decreased below the reference
range. Surprisingly, CK activity is typically normal despite
the myositis caused by H. americanum. Although the
decreases in albumin and BUN are suggestive of hepatic
failure, both fasting and postprandial bile acids are
usually within the reference range or only slightly

Radiographic findings
Dogs with HAI commonly develop osteoproliferative
lesions. Periosteal new bone formation is typically
disseminated and symmetric and is usually most frequent
and severe on the diaphysis of the long bones. The
radiographic appearance of the bony lesions ranges from
subtle bone irregularity to a dramatic smooth laminar
thickening (83). A study of the formation of the bone
lesions after experimental infection with H. americanum

 Radiograph showing periosteal proliferation of the femurs
and pelvic bones in H. americanum infection. Bone lesions
range from rough irregularity to smooth laminar thickening
such as in this case.

revealed that the stages of morphologic development of
the lesions very closely resemble those of hypertrophic

HCI is usually diagnosed by microscopic detection of
H. canis gamonts in the cytoplasm of neutrophils, and
rarely monocytes, on Giemsa- or Wright’s-stained blood
smears. They have an ellipsoidal shape, are about 11 ×
4 µm and are enveloped in a thick membrane (84).
Between 0.5% and 5% of the neutrophils are commonly
infected, although this may reach as high as 100% in
heavy infections. A case-controlled study of dogs with H.
canis parasitaemia admitted to a veterinary hospital in
Israel indicated that 15% had a high number of
circulating parasites (>800 gamonts/mm3).
In contrast to H. canis, gamonts are infrequently found
on blood smears from dogs infected with H. americanum.
When they are identified, it is usually in very low

numbers, rarely exceeding 0.1% of the leucocytes
examined (85). Gamonts may exit the leucocytes rapidly
after blood is drawn, leaving behind an empty capsule
that is difficult to identify. Consequently, blood smears
should be made rapidly after sampling to enhance
identification. Buffy coat smears will also increase the
chance of gamont detection. Bone marrow aspirates
usually show granulocytic hyperplasia with an increased
myeloid:erythroid ratio, and lymph node aspirates often
reveal lymphoid hyperplasia. However, neither procedure
is useful in making a definitive diagnosis as organisms are
rarely seen in these samples.
Radiography of the limbs or pelvis can be used for
screening a suspected animal because many dogs with
HAI will show periosteal proliferation. However, muscle
biopsy is a more consistent method of diagnosis of HAI as
it typically reveals the unique cyst and pyogranuloma
formation associated with H. americanum (77–79).

Myositis with muscle atrophy, necrosis and infiltration of
inflammatory cells between muscle fibres is a frequent
finding. The parasites are widely distributed in the muscle
tissue but multiple biopsies are recommended to increase
the chances of detecting the organism, especially in early
or low level infections. The biceps femoris, semitendinosus or epaxial muscles are recommended sites
for biopsy.
An indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and
western blot for the detection of anti-H. canis antibodies
were developed using gamont antigens (86). The IFAT has
been used for epidemiological studies in Israel and Japan.
A survey of dogs from Israel showed that 33% had been
exposed to the parasite as indicated by the presence of
anti-H. canis antibodies. Only 3% of the seropositive
dogs had detectable blood gamonts and only 1% had
severe clinical signs associated with the infection. This
indicates that although there is a wide exposure to

 Single H. canis gamont on a blood smear from a naturally
infected dog. Note the ellipsoidal shape of the gamont
compressing the lobulated neutrophil nucleus towards the cell

 Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for the detection of
antibodies against H. canis. Note the specific fluorescence of
the gamont membranes in the positive reaction shown.

 Blood smear showing a gamont of H. americanum in a
neutrophil. Although similar in appearance, the gamonts of
H. americanum are slightly smaller in size than those of
H. canis (8.8 × 3.9 µm compared to 11 × 4 µm).

Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat
H. canis, most infections are probably subclinical. IgM
and IgG class antibodies to H. canis were detected by
IFAT in experimentally infected dogs as early as 16 and
22 days post infection, respectively, well in advance of
gamont detection by microscopy at 28 days post
infection. Antibodies detected by IFAT may be formed
against conserved antigens found in earlier life cycle
stages of H. canis.
Sera from dogs infected with H. americanum showed
only a low degree of cross-reactivity to H. canis antigens
by IFAT. However, an ELISA for H. americanum, using
sporozoites as antigen, was reported to have a sensitivity
of 93% and a specificity of 96% when compared with
muscle biopsy.

Necropsy findings
HCI may be found as an incidental finding in
histopathological specimens from dogs from endemic
areas. In dogs with a low parasitaemia, few tissue lesions
may be identified. However, necropsies of dogs with a
high parasitaemia reveal hepatitis (87), pneumonia and
glomerulonephritis associated with numerous H. canis
meronts. Meronts and developing gamonts are also found
in the lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow (88).
H. canis meronts are usually round to oval, about 30 µm
in diameter, and include elongated micromerozoites with
defined nuclei. A cross-section of the meront through the
midshaft of the micromerozoites reveals a form with a
central core mass surrounded by a circle of micromerozoite nuclei, which is often referred to as a ‘wheel
spoke’ (76). This form is typical for HCI but is not found
in HAI. Meronts of H. canis can sometimes be detected in
tissues with little or no apparent host inflammatory
response (89). This is possibly associated with the ability
of the parasite to cause chronic subclinical infections and
avoid an extreme immune response.

87 Hepatitis associated with H. canis meronts in a section of
liver from a dog with a high parasitaemia. Arrows indicate the
location of H. canis meronts.

Cachexia and muscle atrophy are consistent gross
findings on necropsy of dogs chronically infected with
H. americanum. Roughening and thickening of bone
surfaces may be apparent. Grossly, pyogranulomas may
appear as multiple, 1–2 mm diameter, white-to-tan foci
diffusely scattered throughout muscle and various other
tissues. Microscopically, the cysts, meronts and
pyogranulomas are found predominantly in skeletal and
cardiac muscle but they may also be found sporadically in
other tissues including adipose tissue, lymph node,
intestinal smooth muscle, spleen, skin, kidney, salivary
gland, liver, pancreas and lung. Vascular changes in
various organs include fibrinoid degeneration of vessel
walls, mineralization and proliferation of vascular intima
and pyogranulomatous vasculitis. Renal lesions are
frequently present and include focal pyogranulomatous
inflammation with mild glomerulonephritis, lymphoplasmacytic interstitial nephritis, mesangioproliferative
glomerulonephritis and, occasionally, amyloidosis. Amyloid deposits may also be found in spleen, lymph nodes,
small intestines and liver. Occasional findings include
pulmonary congestion, splenic coagulative necrosis,
lymphadenopathy and congestion of the gastric mucosa.

Treatment and control
H. canis infection is treated with imidocarb dipropionate
(5–6 mg/kg i/m every 14 days) until gamonts are no
longer present in blood smears. Doxycyline (10 mg/kg p/o
q24h for 21 days) is also used in combination with
imidocarb dipropionate for treatment of HCI. The
elimination of H. canis gamonts from the peripheral
blood may require eight weeks, and a haematological
evaluation every two weeks is indicated. Treatment is
recommended for all infected dogs, including those with a
mild disease, because parasitaemia may increase over time
and develop into a severe infection. Generally, the survival
 H. canis meront in kidney tissue. An arrow indicates the
location of the meront. Meronts are often found with little or no
surrounding inflammatory response.

rate of dogs with a low H. canis parasitaemia is good. It
is often dependent on the prognosis of any concurrent
disease conditions. The prognosis for dogs with a high
parasitaemia is less favourable. Seven of 15 dogs (47%)
with a high parasitaemia included in the case-controlled
study survived only two months after presentation despite
specific treatment.
Both specific therapy using antiprotozoal drugs and
palliative therapy using a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drug (NSAID) have been used in the treatment of HAI.
The best results occur when both are used together
initially. An NSAID at standard doses can provide
immediate relief from fever and pain during the first days
of therapy before the effects of the antiprotozoal drug
become evident.
Currently, it appears there is no drug capable of
eliminating all stages of the organism. Remission of
clinical signs can usually be obtained quickly by
administering a combination of trimethoprimsulphadiazine, clindamycin and pyrimethamine (TCP) for
14 days (Table 20). Although the clinical response is
dramatic, it is often short-lived and most dogs relapse
within 2–6 months following treatment.
The anticoccidial drug decoquinate helps prevent
relapses when given daily to H. americanum-infected dogs
after completion of TCP therapy. It likely arrests
development of parasites released from mature meronts,
thereby interrupting the repeated cycles of asexual
reproduction. Decoquinate does not clear gamonts from
the dog’s circulation nor is it effective in reducing clinical
signs associated with acute relapse. This drug must be

given every day to be effective. Although not approved for
use in dogs, decoquinate has been proven to be safe in
dogs at both high dosages and prolonged administration.
The drug is available in the USA as a cornmeal-based
premix for livestock at a concentration of 27.2 grams of
decoquinate per pound of premix (Deccox, Alpharma Inc.,
Fort Lee, NJ). The powder is given at a rate of 0.5–1.0
teaspoonful per 10 kg body weight, mixed with moist dog
food and fed twice daily. This amount corresponds to a
decoquinate dosage of 10–20 mg/kg every 12 hours. It
appears that the drug must be given long term (1–2 years
and possibly longer) to prevent relapses.
In a study comparing treatment protocols, the twoyear survival rate for dogs receiving only TCP was 12.5%
compared to a two-year survival rate of greater than 84%
when TCP was followed by long-term daily decoquinate
therapy. Most dogs that received TCP alone had a very
good initial response, followed by periodic relapses,
resulting in chronic wasting and debilitation and ending
in renal failure, euthanasia or death with a median
survival time of approximately 12 months.

Control and prevention
Prevention of both HCI and HAI consists primarily of
good tick control using an effective acaricide and close
examination of dogs after hunting or outdoor activity.
Dogs must be prevented from ingesting ticks. Until more
is known about whether HCI or HAI can be transmitted
through ingestion of infected tissues, dogs should also be
prevented from eating raw meat or organs from wildlife
and prevented from scavenging.
Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat

Feline hepatozoonosis was first described in a domestic
cat in 1908 in India, and has since been reported from
several countries including France, Israel, South Africa,
Brazil and Nigeria. The species of Hepatozoon that infect
cats have not been identified and the vector is unknown.
Gamonts of Hepatozoon are found in peripheral blood
neutrophils (90) and histopathological studies have
identified meronts in the myocardium and skeletal
muscles of infected cats. In addition, in one retrospective
study elevated CK levels have been found in the majority
of cats with hepatozoonosis, indicating the importance of
muscle as a target tissue for this infection. Feline
hepatozoonosis is commonly associated with
immunosuppressive viral disease caused by feline
immunodeficiency virus or feline leukaemia virus.

There is only one report of human infection with a
Hepatozoon species. Gamonts were found in the blood of
a male patient from the Philippines on two different
occasions but liver and bone marrow biopsies failed to
reveal any parasites. Because canine hepatozoonosis
occurs as a result of ingestion of a tick, transmission of
H. canis or H. americanum to humans is unlikely except
perhaps in small children inclined to put foreign objects
into their mouths. Since other tick-borne diseases may be
transmitted through the bite of a tick, all ticks should be
promptly removed from any human or animal.

The views expressed in this chapter are those of the
authors and do not reflect the official policy or
position of the Department of the Army, the
Department of Defense, or the US Government.

Gamont of an Hepatozoon species in a neutrophil of a
naturally infected domestic cat.

Gad Baneth, Michael Day,
Xavier Roura and Susan Shaw

Canine leishmaniosis is an important, potentially fatal
disease that is also infectious to people. It is a part of a
broad spectrum of diseases caused in humans and animals
by several species of the intracellular protozoan genus
Leishmania and is transmitted by sandflies. The disease
syndromes caused by Leishmania species in people are
cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniosis, the
last being the most severe form. Visceral leishmaniosis is
further divided into zoonotic, in which dogs are reservoirs
of the disease for people, and anthroponotic, in which
man is the reservoir of infection for other humans and
transmission by sandflies occurs without apparent
involvement of an animal reservoir. L. infantum and
L. chagasi cause zoonotic visceral leishmaniosis (ZVL),
while anthroponotic infection is caused by L. donovani,
mostly in India and East Africa. The two main groups of
human patients at risk for ZVL are young children and
HIV-positive patients. The domestic dog is considered the
main reservoir for human ZVL infection and, more
recently, dogs have also been incriminated as reservoirs
for Leishmania species causing cutaneous and
mucocutaneous leishmaniosis in South America. Infection
among populations of wild canines such as foxes and
jackals has been reported in the Mediterranean basin and
South America and may also play a role in the epidemiology of ZVL in these regions.

 The global distribution of
canine leishmaniosis.

ZVL transmission occurs in tropical, subtropical and
temperate regions of the world including southern Europe,
North and Central Africa, the Middle East, China and
South and Central America (91). In the Mediterranean
region and the Middle East, ZVL is caused by L. infantum
and in South America by L. chagasi, which is thought to
be synonymous with L. infantum. Canine leishmaniosis
caused by L. infantum has also been recently reported
from multiple kennels in the eastern USA, where the
patterns of transmission are currently unknown. An
additional Leishmania species, L. tropica, which is an
agent of cutaneous leishmaniosis in the Old World that
can visceralize in people, has been reported as a rare cause
of canine visceral leishmaniosis in North Africa.
The prevalence rates of canine leishmaniosis in endemic
areas vary depending on the environmental conditions
required for transmission and the methods used for
detecting infection. Seroprevalence rates in the
Mediterranean basin range between 10% and 37% of the
dogs in endemic foci. Surveys employing methods for the
detection of leishmanial DNA in canine tissues, or
combining serology and DNA detection, have revealed
even higher infection rates approaching 70% in some foci.
It is probable that all dogs living in endemic foci of leishmaniosis are exposed to infection and will develop either
disease or subclinical infection, or resistance to infection.




Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat
Leishmaniosis is now frequently diagnosed in countries
where no sandfly transmission occurs in dogs; it is related
to increased mobility of dogs and their owners. In Europe,
many dogs travel to and from Leishmania-endemic areas
and re-homing of stray animals from endemic areas by
welfare groups is increasing the number of clinical cases
seen in non-endemic areas. In addition, leishmaniosis is
seen in non-travelled animals resident in non-endemic
areas of both Europe and the USA. The mechanisms of
transmission in these cases are currently unknown.
In contrast to dogs, natural infection and clinical
disease in domestic cats caused by Leishmania species
appear to be rare. Whether the low prevalence of infection/disease in endemic areas is due to under-reporting or
to the fact that cats have a high degree of natural
resistance is unknown. It has been shown that cats are
relatively resistant to experimental infection with
L. chagasi and L. donovani. However, cases of systemic
clinical disease and asymptomatic infection due to
L. infantum and other species are reported, and wild cats
have been incriminated as reservoirs for leishmaniosis in
endemic Mediterranean countries. Cutaneous lesions
alone have been reported in association with

L. venezuelensis, L. mexicana, L. braziliensis and unspecified Leishmania species in Europe and South
America and in the southern USA.

Transmission and life cycle
Leishmania are diphasic parasites that complete their life
cycle in two hosts: a vertebrate where the intracellular
amastigote parasite forms are found, and a sandfly that
harbours the flagellated extracellular promastigotes.
Sandflies of the genus Phlebotomus are vectors in the Old
World, whereas the vectors in the New World are
sandflies of the genus Lutzomyia. The life cycle in both
the reservoir host and vector is illustrated (92).
Although transmission of L. infantum occurs naturally
by the bite of sandflies, vertical transmission in utero
from dam to its offspring has been documented. Direct
transmission without involvement of a haematophagous
vector has been suspected in some cases of infection in
areas where vectors of the disease are absent.
Transmission of L. infantum by infected blood transfusion has been reported in dogs in North America and in
human intravenous drug users sharing syringes in Spain.


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