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Showing posts from September, 2019



100 Hunderassen

  Hunderassen   ? Alle Arten von Hunden Informationen zu Hundetypen Hundetypen nach Funktion 1.1 Weidende Hunderassen 1.2 Jagdhunderassen 1.3 Nicht-Sporthunderassen 1.4 Sporthunderassen 2 Hundetypen nach Größe 2.1 Kleine Hunde 2.2 Mittelgroße Hunde 2.3 Große Hunde 2.4 Riesenhunde 3 Arten von Hunden mit Hunden 4. Referenzen Arten von Hunden nach ihrer Funktion Rassen von Weidehunden und diese Arten: [1] Australischer Weidehund. Australischer Schäferhund. Bärtiger Collie [2] Beauceron. Belgischer Schäferhund. Terephrin. Border-Collie. Bovey de Flanders. Hunde (Briard). Kanaaniter-Hund. Hunde (Welch Corgi Cardigan). Schottischer Colliehund. Deutscher Schäferhund. Alter englischer Schäferhund. Corgi-Hunde. Hunde (Lowland Polish Shepherd Dog). Poly Hunde. Shetland Sheepdog. Afghanischer Windhund (Afghan Hound). Amerikanischer Foxhound. Basinghe (Basinghe). Hunde (Basset Hound). Beagle-Hunde. Hunde (Black & Tan Counhound). Hunde (Hound). Hunde von Borzoy. Dackel Hunde. E...

Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat (2)

ARTHROPOD-BORNE VIRAL ENCEPHALITIDES Other arthropod-borne infections of dogs and cats eliminated by an active immune response and animals in endemic areas may have detectable antibody titres for life. The incubation period is short (7–14 days or less). Clinical signs of TBE are referable to multifocal neurological involvement and include fever, gait abnormalities, seizures, paresis and peripheral neuropathies, particularly involving the cranial nerves. Initially, dogs with louping ill have CNS signs of more localized cerebellar dysfunction, with ataxia and tremor. Signs are rapidly progressive, with the development of recumbency, tetraplegia, opisthotonus and death in some cases. Recovery can occur but it is slow and may be associated with residual locomotor and cerebral abnormalities. In a Swedish study, only 8% of seropositive dogs developed clinical signs and of these, most recovered from the initial disease over 2–3 months. Diagnosis Clinica...

Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat

Arthropod borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat Hepatozoonosis  H. americanum cyst. The round-to-oval ‘onion skin’-shaped cysts are 250–500 µm in diameter. The outer portion of the cyst is made up of concentric layers of fine, pale blue-staining laminar membranes. A developing parasite may sometimes be observed at the centre of the cyst. 80 H. canis gamonts on the edge of a blood smear from a naturally infected dog with extreme leucocytosis and a high parasitaemia approaching 100% of the neutrophils.  Miniature Schnauzer naturally infected with H. americanum exhibiting ‘His Master’s Voice’ stance due to severe musculoskeletal pain and excessive stiffness.  Rottweiler naturally infected with H. americanum, with typical mucopurulent ocular discharge and facial muscle atrophy. Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat Laboratory findings Most dogs with HCI have white blood cell counts within the reference range...

Infectious diseases are transmitted to the dog cat

Treatment of cats with cytauxzoonosis. these drugs are used in cats at lower doses than those usually recommended in dogs for the treatment of babesiosis, and both may transiently worsen the clinical status of the recipient. Early administration of subcutaneous heparin, together with fluid therapy and blood transfusions, may also be beneficial in the management of DIC, but controlled studies are lacking. Zoonotic potential/public health significance There is currently no recognized zoonotic potential of C. felis infection. Babesiosis and cytauxzoonosis Treatment of cats with cytauxzoonosis. Type of therapy Drug/medication Recommended dose Frequency Notes/comments Specific Diminazine aceturate 2 mg/kg i/m Once Imidocarb dipropionate 2 mg/kg Ii/m Repeat after 3–7 days Haemolysis and icterus may worsen transiently after injection Anticholinergic signs (vomiting, diarrhoea, miosis, 3rd eyelid prolapse and muscle fasciculations) controlled ...
Arthropod-borne infectious diseases of the dog and cat Crystalline fluid therapy should be given with caution in anaemic patients in order to avoid causing further haemodilution or exacerbating respiratory distress. Oxygen therapy does not alleviate the hypoxia in anaemic states but is indicated for the therapy of pulmonary oedema in complicated babesiosis. Bicarbonate therapy continues to attract controversy and its use is best restricted to institutions where acid-base status can be regularly assessed and interpreted. Organ dysfunction associated with complicated babesiosis should be managed according to the general guidelines provided in current critical care manuals. A detailed review pertaining to the supportive treatment of canine babesiosis has been published (see Further reading, p. 146). Glucocorticoids, including dexamethasone and prednisolone (or prednisone), have been recommended by some authors but their benefits in babesiosis are curren...

Legends Dog Training -

Dog training Dogs as correlates of experience Do black dog breeds of good use How differently man can shape this quality of a dog's life, can be seen, if one Auguste Comtes categorization of animals (the me with Claude Lévi-Strauss 2014: 203ff. found) applies to the dog: Comte divides the animals into, firstly, those who live together with humans, who accompany him and who help him. This idea most closely matches ours Culture groomed dog myth. That Comte recommends that the herbivorous Turning animals into carnivores to raise their intellectual level, However, it is probably no longer quite in the trend of the current vegetarian euphoria, which has long since before the transformation into a vegetable-fed Dog does not stop. Comtes second category includes the animals that the Man protects and breeds to feed on them. According to Comte these animals have been altered by humans so that they are "food laboratories". The dog that we have had one for ...

Dog and human in (public) space

Dog and human in (public) space Depending on the environment in which one moves, stand the human-animal tandem now various interaction options open; in modern urban everyday life For example, Mr. and Dog sit in a different, complementary way "Civilian", d. H. not per se as hostile subordinate, social environment. the Dog often plays a role as a social interface: it initiates, controls, filters and organizes the relationships of the owner to most, maybe to all Companions.8 What enables him to do so are less of his physical abilities (which are especially important for the "instrumental" uses) than his general "character", his "attitude" and "attitude", his "attitude", perhaps simply the specific "dog", beyond all individual or dog breeds-specific peculiarities. To outline it for now, one would to speak of a hybrid intermediate form of existence in always restrained freedom can, from all sides...
